Japan and the Shackles of the Past. 
By Taggart Murphy.
Oxford University Press; 443 pages
MOST historical analysis of Japan tends to emphasise the country’s ruptures with the past. In the mid-19th century the inward-looking Tokugawa shogunate fell and was replaced with rule by oligarchs under the guise of a “restored” imperial system. At the end of the second world war Japan was defeated and occupied by the United States. During the post-war economic “miracle” incomes doubled every decade. The latest move includes the trumpeted measures by the current prime minister, Shinzo Abe, to cure the long hangover after boom turned to almighty bust in the late 1980s. By contrast, in his insightful analysis of what ails Japan, Taggart Murphy, a former investment banker who is now a business professor at the University of Tsukuba, focuses on the continuities.

Some are immensely appealing. Few foreign visitors fail to be beguiled by the almost seductive concern and care shown by every Japanese they have dealings with, from barman to business partner. It is striking, too, how Japanese carry out even the lousiest job as if it were the best.
Predictability in social and public life makes Japanese cities the safest on Earth. And a desire for consensus surely helped with the foundations for Japan’s phenomenal post-war success—even if living conditions were cramped and salarymen’s hours long. Even today “culture” counts for much as an organising force and social glue. What other country could have endured with such fortitude two decades of stagnation, not to mention the disastrous earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown of March 11th 2011?
As for the roots of a social predictability bordering on ritual, Mr Murphy finds them in the Tokugawa shogunate, when sword-carrying samurai were entitled to cut anyone down on the slightest pretext. Today you don’t need to be told how to conform in any situation, because you intuitively know: you just read it in the kuki, the air.
A consequence is that no society can internalise contradictions like Japan can. Karel van Wolferen, an observer of the country, called it the “management of reality”. Someone who was incompetent in an organisation would not be fired, but everyone knew to check his work. Business mavericks were not publicly pilloried. They just struggled to get their new technologies financed or adopted—until they sought the arms of an established business group. The mainstream media still sees its job as maintaining the existing order not questioning it. Safety valves exist to cope with the contradictions—not least the subversive and often sexually exuberant torrent of manga comics and anime films that have become a global hit.
Conformity becomes a problem when a country needs to alter an obviously wrong course. Everyone knows that the post-war economic model is bust. There are no longer the corporate profits to guarantee lifetime employment. Young women go on sexual strike rather than face the drudgery of being a traditional wife. Japan’s birth rate has fallen to a new low.
Mr Murphy also blames the continuity of Japan’s governing institutions. The “Reform Bureaucrats” who marshalled the resources for total war from the early 1930s provided the model for bureaucrat-led growth after 1945 the miracle was in effect run on a war footing. Nobody exemplified the continuity better than the deeply dodgy Nobusuke Kishi. He had administered the Japanese puppet-state in Manchuria and had then been minister for munitions. He emerged from a brief stint in an Allied prison to become a prime minister and leader of the conservative Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), whose grip on power has only twice been dislodged.
The LDP came to power with America’s connivance. The old establishment—shorn of its military and coercive wing—was allowed to continue in return for making Japan an American protectorate and freezing out the left. Not much has changed. The administration of Barack Obama did its utmost to help bring about the swift downfall of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), which had called for a renegotiation of the bilateral alliance after sweeping the LDP briefly from office in 2009.
Another continuity is the lack of a real centre of political accountability—political oversight of bureaucratic machinations is often largely ceremonial. The lack allowed the militarists in the 1930s to bring on the country’s destruction. More recently the LDP, coming back into power in 2012, could blame the DPJ for the mess at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant—even though the disaster happened because for decades the LDP had been at the centre of an often sleazy network of interests building a nuclear industry in a country sitting atop so many seismological fault lines.
Mr Abe now promises some powerful economic pick-me-ups. But is this a radical break with the past? Many of the prime minister’s deeper-seated reforms have been trotted out before and are being pursued only half-heartedly. In reality, Mr Murphy argues, reforms are for show. Rather, Mr Abe believes that Japan’s is a spiritual crisis exemplified, as he sees it, by an inability to stand up to the taunts of a rising China. To make Japanese stand tall again, he craves a nostalgic restoration of the pre-war kokutai, that emperor-infused notion of essential and unsullied Japaneseness. Of course, Mr Abe does not want war with neighbours, an earlier consequence of promoting the kokutai. But this is no time for Mr Abe, who happens to be Kishi’s grandson, to bring out the ghosts of Japan’s past. Japan remains susceptible not only to geological catastrophes, but geopolitical ones too.