Friday, February 17, 2012

The Protestant Revolution

Episode one – The Politics Of Belief

In the series opener, historian Tristram Hunt uncovers how a debate about religion in 16th-century Germany sparked a political revolution. From the bloody battlefields of medieval Germany, to the civil wars of the 1640s in Britain, Protestantism unleashed a series of revolutions and wars that rippled across Europe.

And the reverberations of the Reformation continue to this day. The programme explores how the role of Protestantism has influenced the current conflict in the Middle East and the foreign policy of George W Bush.

Protestantism inspired a new way of thinking; a challenge to authority that has crossed centuries and continents. Martin Luther's challenge to the Pope in the 16th century inspired conservatives and radicals alike, and its history is one of conflict, challenge and rebellion – from the early religious radicals in Germany, to the founding of the British Labour Party and the Civil Rights movement in Fifties America.

The Protestant Revolution unravels how a breakaway form of Christianity has come to shape the political landscape of the modern world.

Episode two – The Godly Family

The Protestant Revolution transformed people's experiences of sex, love, family life and the relationship between men and women.

In the second episode, Tristram uncovers how Protestantism replaced the Catholic veneration of celibacy with a devotion to family life. The programme shows how Luther became the loving husband and father, and how the first Protestant Archbishop of Canterbury gave us our modern idea of marriage.

The programme traces the contradictory legacy of Protestantism – on the one hand sexual equality, while, on the other, virulent patriarchy. Viewers meet the austere Puritan preacher who met his soul mate, and the programme also investigates radical, free-loving 17th-century sects as well as discovering how straight-laced Victorian mothers became the sexually liberated women of today.

In gay and lesbian churches, and in conservative Christian communities today, we can see the continuing impact of Protestantism. Gay bishops, gay marriages and abortions dominate debate, and now, ironically, threaten the world's largest Protestant communion, the Anglican Church.

Episode three – A Reformation Of The Mind

Tristram explores how Protestantism has come to shape modern western art, literature and science, in the penultimate episode of Protestant Revolution.

In 16th-century Britain, radical Protestants triggered one of the greatest acts of vandalism in British history, wiping out Catholic monasteries, churches and artwork. But the cultural revolution inspired by this religious movement went far further than the shattered statues of 16th-century Britain.

The legacy of the Protestant Revolution lies unseen around us. Tristram follows a trail that leads from the monasteries of Catholic England to modern art galleries and explores how Protestantism lay at the heart of one of our greatest art forms – the novel.

Tristram also uncovers how a Protestant culture of inquiry and discovery drove on a new scientific age that spanned from the discovery of gravity to the Industrial Revolution.

And now, as new scientific frontiers are broken, Tristram reveals how religion lies at the heart of some of our most significant scientific discoveries. In the process, he discovers how Protestantism has helped to create the modern secular world.

Episode four – No Rest For The Wicked

Capitalism and an increasingly active anti-global movement are two of the most powerful forces on the planet, and Tristram reveals how both phenomena developed out of Protestantism, in the final episode of The Protestant Revolution.

The journey begins with Jean Calvin who, desperate for a sign of God's favour, found it in the world of work and money. Tristram explores how Puritans, anxious to worship God at every opportunity, introduced the world of the ticking clock and shaped the architecture of the working week.

Puritans on both sides of the Atlantic developed modern work and business practices, and provided the intellectual and financial impetus to launch the Industrial Revolution.

The push for profit could go too far, however. The sugar plantations of the Caribbean divided the Protestant church, giving rise to an anti-capitalist voice that campaigned first against slavery and then against the excesses of factory labour.

Today, capitalism is triumphant, but the anti-capitalist movement is also gathering force, and the two great opposing legacies of Protestantism continue to battle it out.

Engels' Condition of the Working Class in England

In discussions of the modern city the voice of Engels resounds equally powerfully. Perhaps his most faithful acolyte today is Mike Davis, whose 2006 book, Planet of Slums, constitutes a searing update of The Condition. Davis recounts with equal vituperation the sanitary state of the modern mass conurbations ("Today's poor megacities - Nairobi, Lagos, Bombay, Dhaka and so on - are stinking mountains of shit that would appal even the most hardened Victorians"), and points to the power relationships underpinning spatial inequality. A chapter entitled "Haussmann in the Tropics", investigating squatter and working-class clearances in contemporary Africa, China and central America, is pure Engels. "Urban segregation is not a frozen status quo, but rather a ceaseless social war in which the state intervenes regularly in the name of 'progress', 'beautification', and even 'social justice for the poor' to redraw spatial boundaries to the advantage of landowners, foreign investors, elite homeowners, and middle-class commuters." In the sprawling, slum and suburb conurbations of India, the main axis of social separation has reverted from race back to class as economic inequality now defines the nature of urban exclusion from Chenai to Mumbai. Behind this process of economic segregation, in Davis's template, are the forces of modern international capitalism - the IMF and World Bank - determined to carve out islands of "cyber-modernity" amid unmet urban needs and underdevelopment.
Similarly, in the developed world, much of Engels's analysis of the urban form reads as a telling critique of the gentrification programmes which entail the demolition of working-class neighbourhoods and curtailing the informal space of the city. Of course, the language has changed: policy-makers talk now of "sink estates" rather than "slums", of "worklessness" rather than "the residuum" and in Britain the forces of progress come in the guise of "New Deal for Communities" or "Housing Market Renewal Funds". Even Engels's adopted city has not been unaffected. While Manchester's revitalised city-centre glistens, Moss Side and Garton have somehow failed to prosper.
The Condition of the Working Class in England is far more than the work of an angry young man confronting the iniquities of industrial capitalism. It is a brilliant polemic by a sensationally gifted 24-year-old applying German philosophy to existing conditions with a sure eye on the revolution to come. As the experiment of 20th-century state communism recedes into memory, like Marx we can at last return to The Condition of the Working Class and appreciate the work on its own terms. To do so is to discover in its economic critique of unfettered markets, condemnation of capitalism's social injustices, angry reportage, and analysis of politics, poverty, feminism and urbanism all the power, passion and incisiveness which Marx rightly heralded.
Tristram Hunt introduces The Condition of the Working Class in a new Penguin Classics edition.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Eric Hobsbawm discusses 'How to Change the World'

Socialist History Society | 25 Feb 2011

  • I feel this video should have been edited before publication.
  • @gamlerik1 what would you have chopped out?
  • @adycousins The phlegm? I did not mean to come across cross. :) I gave my two cents because I love your channel. Please don't stop the uploads. Thank you.
  • Respond to this video... @gamlerik1 Yeah, I considered removing that but he continues to talk through it and it would have meant removing/ hacking his response to the current revolutions in middle east, and as he says "old age is like an obstacle race"... It's partly about what he is saying but also about the physical / emotional aspect of him giving a lecture. My favourite bit is at the end where he listens to the prolonged applause.

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  • 94 years old. Genius.
see all

All Comments (21)

  • Hehe, i read most of his work and books and this is the first time i hear him speak.
  • @adycousins quite right not to have edited out his physical struggle. I found it moving, and serves to underline the sharpness of his mind at a good old age.
  • @adycousins A legend!Thank you for upload Ady!